Dear Writer …

Celine "Oibiee" Aju
2 min readNov 1, 2020


That idea is someone`s lifeline.

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Like a surgeon in the Operating room, you need to do what you know how to do because there will always be a risk but there will also always be the chance of a good outcome.

So its worth a try.

Photo by Umit Y Buz on Unsplash

Your post will never be perfect but if you miss the window of opportunity it will not be as relevant as if you post it now.

A good post WILL be liked.

A great post SHOULD be shared.

A phenomenal post MUST be criticised. It must be said “That writer must be moving mental”.

The only way you will know if your post is phenomenal is if you post it.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Regardless of the outcome, that post needs to be published now. It is pivotal in the advancement of humanity! Sharing that new perspective will save humanity from terrible myopia and a series of destructive actions.

If writers do not share new perspectives humanity will be doomed to stagnation.

That post cannot win a prize, land you that job or even be quoted in certain places if it remains on that folder somewhere on your desktop. The idea is valid, your opinion is valid and that position should be explored.

Do not worry about the numbers ever! Focus on expressing yourself, building your craft and enjoying the process. The numbers will come, you become better, you will write more eloquently and you will help lives.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and a succession of consistent steps. In order to see results, you must have a goal, a strategy and imbibe consistency. These principles apply to every aspect of life not excluding writing.

Also, you must decide why you are writing, who you are writing for and what you hope to get out of it. But this does not have to be the first step, it can come months after you start posting. Change is constant, so it is ok for your style to change as time progresses and your content too. Don’t be so focused on crafting a niche.

Just start, and be intentional about growing.

If you would like to join a writers accountability group feel free to reach out to me.





Celine "Oibiee" Aju
Celine "Oibiee" Aju

Written by Celine "Oibiee" Aju

Not yet 25 years old Storyteller | Song Writer| Writer | Public Policy Msc Student | documenting her journey of figuring life out through stories,songs & poems.

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